Why soft skills are important for our CV
It used to be believed, and not so long ago, that it was superfluous to include personal qualities and skills in a CV . These are terms such as “openness”, “team spirit”, “communicativeness”, and the like. It seemed as if we were just filing the content in this way, for lack of a better one. To try to compensate for the lack of relevant experience with phrases that mean nothing.
This can be the most important part of a person’s life. Before that, it is necessary to become aware of these qualities, think about them, develop them and adapt them, in accordance with the needs and goals.
Examples of soft skills in practice
Students from our pilot project pointed out that they are extremely important in the early stages of their career development and we fully agree with them. The qualities we are going to talk about are called soft skills and they are considered key tools for achieving success in the modern business (and we would add – life) environment. We work on them with our students, through mentoring programs and workshops.
Soft skills include personal qualities and abilities that facilitate interpersonal relationships and build good working conditions. In short, they refer to the ability to collaborate effectively, manage time, and communicate well. They are difficult to measure and quantify, as is possible with some other human knowledge and achievements.
Anyone who has ever had the opportunity to:
- Collaborate with people from other cultures.
- You will be part of an interdisciplinary team.
- Decisions
- Learn a new skill for a new project.
- Participate in brainstorming meetings.
- Get out of what we now call the “comfort zone”,
He’s put his soft skills into practice.
Soft and Hard Skills: Two Essential Elements for Success
When we talk about this topic, a logical question arises. If there are soft skills, does that mean that there is something we could call hard skills?
Absolutely. These are technical knowledge and abilities that have been acquired through (in)formal education and are necessary to perform a certain job. They are clearly categorized into different areas, easily measurable, and their study is largely institutionalized.
A college degree and a degree in specialization can be the first prerequisite for a successful career. However, without the ability to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics, technical knowledge will not be put to good use.
How to develop soft skills
In the following articles, we will talk a little more about it and share some of the knowledge that we think is important to spread further.